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[Between Teams of Red and Blue, I'm with the Purple Team]

Speaking at NCCC 2024

Next week, I will be speaking at the National Cyber Crime Conference 2024 for the second year in a row. This year Dr. Mariam Khader and myself will be running 4 different investigation workshops, mostly focusing on malware analysis with … Continue reading

Posted in Conferences, Cyber 5W, DFIR, Forensics, Investigations, Malware, Research, Workshops | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Speaking at NCCC 2024

C5W Certified Malware Analyst (Friday Giveway) #1

Last week’s Friday Giveway was the C5W Certified Malware Analysis Course that can be found here. This is an amazing course for those interested in doing Malware Analysis and it has over 45 hands-on labs. These are instructional and guided … Continue reading

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Malware Tools, Tips and Tricks

In the past, I used to maintain a Google Doc with all the tools I use or recommend for my students to use for Malware Analysis. A couple of days ago, while doing a Malware Analysis workshop for NW3C, I … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, AntiX, DFIR, Investigations, Malware, Research, Software/Tools | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Malware Tools, Tips and Tricks

Windows Sandbox Scripts

Windows Sandbox is an amazing Windows feature that could be used for Malware Analysis. In order to install it you’ll need to follow this blog post here by Microsoft.

Posted in DFIR, Investigations, Malware, Research, Security, Software/Tools, ThreatHunting, Virtualization, Windows | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Windows Sandbox Scripts

GOADv2 in a VM

Hello, I finally was able to play with the GOAD v2 project and configure it to run within a single VM using nested Virtualization. From the developer of the project “GOAD is a pentest active directory LAB project. The purpose … Continue reading

Posted in Exploitation, Investigations, PenTest, Research, Virtualization, Vulnerability, Windows | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on GOADv2 in a VM